House of Bricks

Friday, 15 April 2011

Just Add Water

Anieszka Banks is a very talented illustrator, she is in her third year at the University of Brighton, her work really speaks about controversial issues. She has collaborated for many different companies including Amelia's Magazine and other environmental charities and companies. She prefers to use collage as the main technique in her illustrations but also uses other mixed media methods such as painting and fine liner drawings. For my final project, i am creating a magazine and will be featuring Anieszka's work in there. I am going to use a small project which she created called 'Just Add Water' where she embedded different seeds into paper and created small illustrations which explain which flower or vegetable seeds are embedded and when to plant them. The idea will be to rip out the biodegradable paper and plant it into the ground. I love the idea of this, it is so charming and innocent and will sit perfectly into the magazine. Anieszka was also kind enough to answer some of my questions about her work and general life at the moment!
Here are some examples of her work and some of her opinions and insights into her world:

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